Status | Name | Category | Season | Category | Gender |
Look | Zona Centro - Balonmano - Infantil Mixto | Handball | 2024/25 | Infantil Mixto | |
Look | Zona Sierra - Multideporte - Benjamín | Multisport – Teams or Couples | 2024/25 | Benjamín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sierra - Multideporte - Alevín | Multisport – Teams or Couples | 2024/25 | Alevín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sierra - Multideporte - Inf Mixto | Multisport – Teams or Couples | 2024/25 | Infantil Mixto | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sierra - Multideporte - Cadete Mixto | Multisport – Teams or Couples | 2024/25 | Cadete Mixto | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Fútbol 7 - Alevín | Soccer 7 | 2024/25 | Alevín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Centro - Multideporte - Benjamín | Multisport – Teams or Couples | 2024/25 | Benjamín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Centro - Multideporte - Alevín | Multisport – Teams or Couples | 2024/25 | Alevín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Centro - Fútbol Sala - Infantil Mixto | Futsal | 2024/25 | Infantil Mixto | Male |
Look | Zona Sierra - Fútbol Sala - Cad Mixto | Futsal | 2024/25 | Cadete Mixto | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Fútbol Sala - Cad/Juv Masc | Futsal | 2024/25 | Cadete/Juvenil Masculino | Male |
Look | Zona Centro - Voleibol - Cadete / Juvenil Femenino | Volleyball | 2024/25 | Cadete/Juvenil Femenino | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Voleibol - Cadete / Juvenil Femenino | Volleyball | 2024/25 | Cadete/Juvenil Femenino | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Baloncesto - Benjamín | Basketball | 2024/25 | Benjamín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Baloncesto - Alevín | Basketball | 2024/25 | Alevín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Baloncesto - Cadete Mixto | Basketball | 2024/25 | Cadete Mixto | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Fútbol Sala - Benjamín | Futsal | 2024/25 | Benjamín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Fútbol Sala - Alevín | Futsal | 2024/25 | Alevín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Fútbol Sala - Infantil Masculino | Futsal | 2024/25 | Infantil Masculino | Male |
Look | Zona Centro - Fútbol Sala - Cadete/Juvenil Masculino | Futsal | 2024/25 | Cadete/Juvenil Masculino | Male |
Look | Zona Sierra - Fútbol Sala - Cadete/Juvenil Masculino | Futsal | 2024/25 | Cadete/Juvenil Masculino | Male |
Look | Zona Sur - Voleibol - Benjamín | Volleyball | 2024/25 | Benjamín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Voleibol - Alevín | Volleyball | 2024/25 | Alevín | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Voleibol - Infantil Femenino | Volleyball | 2024/25 | Infantil Femenino | Female |
Look | Zona Sur - Voleibol - Infantil Mixto | Volleyball | 2024/25 | Infantil Mixto | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Voleibol - Cadete Femenino | Volleyball | 2024/25 | Cadete Femenino | Co-ed |
Look | Zona Sur - Voleibol - Cadete Mixto | Volleyball | 2024/25 | Cadete Mixto | Co-ed |
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